
Your Compassion Should Move You!

compassion Jun 03, 2020


This is a tough one...

During my quiet time this morning, my mind came to three words: sympathy, empathy and compassion.

Here are the differences:

SYMPATHY - I’m sorry

EMPATHY - I feel

COMPASSION - I understand

Sympathy is cordial and provides condolences but may or may not be necessary because you are not responsible for the pain.

Empathy is emotional to what someone is experiencing and can debilitating to the both of you.

Compassion is understanding and moves your emotional response to action - to reach out, to ask, to get involved, to get uncomfortable, to support.

To think what I am going through (or what others are going through) could NOT be you, leads me to another word... APATHY.

But that is another discussion for another post.

Full Transcript:

Coming Soon!



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