
The Push-Back Method

Aug 19, 2020


Been a while...
Have you ever felt overburdened by all of the activities you have to get done? Work...? School...? Family obligations...? Other responsibilities...?
Do you feel over scheduled? Assignments...? Meetings...? Did I eat...? When was the last time I went to the bathroom...?
Felt like you just “losing?” Losing the game...? Losing the day...? Losing your mind...?
When I feel this way, I use the “push-back” method!
“Push-back” from the desk, the work, or the activity, gives you a:
- physical break
- mental break
- reality break (to find clarity)
This can be more transformational than you think. Even five minutes can do a world 🌎 of difference!
#pushbackmethod #physicalbreak #mentalbreak #realitybreak #givegracetoyourself #badmammajamma #onetakenoedit

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